Thursday, June 4, 2009

San Francisco---coming soon

SecondLife Convention 2009 - August 13th - is just around the corner. (BTW there are two other unSL Conventions. One is in Amsterdam and nearly over and the other is in Las Vegas (set by Stroker--think sexgen beds etc) and will be next month.

But....the one I'm going to is in San Fran and I'm making a list. Also, I'm thinking of having a makeover for my avatar. Perhaps a new skin. Prim toes. I need to bleach everywhere? Which has got me thinking about FirstLife blonds (and SL too).

For some reason FirstLife natural blonds just don't seem to be as good looking as those who have been 'naturally' colored at a salon. Drifting off for a moment, as funny as a salon saying 'natural colors' is when I was in New York this past weekend and noticed all the Dry Cleaners now say "Organic." Oh, cannot get my Saturday through Sunday dress clean organically. I want my dress to be CSI spotless. An ultraviolet no-show. And you can't do that without a mixture created by Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde will know.

And so, besides my SL breast milk being certified organic by the Lindens what else is 'SL Organic?"

Back to San Fran (hey in the modern SL/FL world schizophrenia is an asset not a liability.) If any of you plan to attend I would like you to please help me make it from the bar at 3am to my room. I want the Tequila but would not like to see the sunrise. (Early morning is mascara madness.)

Of course LaurenLive will present at the Convention and I promise San Francisco is about to loosen up after I'm there. But, as the countdown begins to San Fran my friend Skylar has already started packing, unpacking and packing shoes. If you are still indecisive about coming I understand. You just don't want to see wild unpacked. to go, I see my attendants approaching.

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