Monday, June 29, 2009

15 Minutes of Fame

My fifteen minutes of fame started last week and ends this week. I know, how can a week be fifteen minutes? I respond, "how can someone who makes 20 silkscreens of Campbell Soup that sell for $12 million each know the length of 15 minutes?" (if you understand this logic you are a true SecondLifer.)

The week started off with a wonderful 1st Question where I was running last till nearly the end of the show and then saw my name glisten as the winner. The fun of the show with Pooky, Hydra and an incredible group working behind the scenes made for a glorious evening. But it was a guest who was there (Phaylen) whom I watched and admired last evening (see below)

This past week has included several performances of "I Gave At The Office" with a star studded audience including Chantal Harvey, Pooky Amsterdam, Timeless Prototype and many others including SL friends and family.

Accidental guest on Cybergrrl's Podcast. (my first)

The Helen Keller show was at 10pm SLT (1 am my time) with many Lindens and educational luminaries (of course my friends). Tonight's show on the main stage at SL6B will be the last show of the week long event.

But, last night on Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe was the heart of those 15 minutes. I was on stage for 3 minutes and interviewed for 12. And it was not my show nor interview that brought Andy Warhol out of his graveyard party to tap me on the shoulder and say, "Your 15 minutes of fame is up."

Instead, it was the joy of sharing an hour with such wonderful guests under the moderation of Paisley and the hour of open, off camera fun that ensued. Phaylen and I had been on 1st Question last week but her interview and the next hour of her wit, charm and drug induced somnolent canine sidekick was part of the lighting for my fifteen minutes.

Paisley's questions and giggles made for the stage I was on. And the audience (most stayed an extra hour listening to our prattle) was the makeup. With all of them my fifteen minutes of 'famously fun time,' came.

I also want to thank all those who behind the scenes make these shows happen. AutumnFox, Yxes, Texas, Saxet, (yeah funny..two different girls...are they related), Delinda, Trulie, Glimmer, CodeWarrior, Rekka, Crap (he won't know why he's mentioned here but he is behind a lot. Usually his work), Thinkerer and to many more to list.

So, my Second Season of SecondLife LaurenLive comes to a close after the last show of I' Gave At The Office" Wednesday night ending with my fifteen minutes of joyous tears.

Thanks to all of you (last time I'll be gushy for a long time.)

P.S. if you install the new client Snowglobe remember, you need to shake a snowglobe to make it work.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lauren On TV


Last night was a true SecondLife adventure. I logged in going to Sl6 Birthday sims. While there an IM came from my dear friend Skylar. It was her opening night of her great build in sim Dimension. Time 7pm SLT. I was going to be there.

A few moments later, Crap Mariner sends me a notice (from somewhere outside SL. Where is "outside" SL? Are there shoes I've never seen?) He was doing something at 4pm SLT in sim Trion.

I tp'd to another futuristic sim (yikes, the future is all day glow. I guess in the future there are only toxic colors left.) Scarlett LaRoux IM'd me "I saw you a moment ago and then poof you were gone. What are you doing."

So, we got together and caught up on old times. Scarlett was going to perform at Xanthia's build in sim Dimension at 6pm SLT.

My night looked booked (my one night off.) This girl has been way busy in SL. I didn't even have time to try on a new skirt I had seen at Emery. But the best laid plans of a blond usually are usually quite random.

From 4 to 5pm I could not find Crap's show. He didn't show in world and I searched the sim he was to perform in to no avail but I did run into Chantal Harvey in Sim Dimension. (you must find her build. Fly up to the screen and play media). Chantal is one of SL's talented Machinima artists. Lot's of people gathered there talking about all sorts of 'non-blond' stuff.

Shortly before 6pm, I wandered over to hear Scarlett sing. Xanthia's build is elegant. While there, my friend Orchid popped in too. Scarlett began her routine but something happened to her stream. I was cleaning up my SL closet when I got an urgent message from Pooky Amsterdam. Could I come over, right away, to be a guest on the '1st Question'? (a guest had failed the dreaded 'sound test.) Of course I said yes and rushed over. I tp'd so fast my hair was a mess so I quickly put it up in a bun. And, I was happy my garb was a gown and not the stripper wear I had on the other night.

At this point, I had missed Crap's show. Had left Scarlet's show suddenly. And would miss Skylar's too. My evening plans had dissipated like a particle storm in ta SecondLife lag free night.

1st Question - this is for smart people (of which i am not). It didn't look good for me. Very soon everyone had 4 points except me. I had 1 point. (I think it was a pity point.). Along the way I managed to tie for last place with 6 pts and trailed second by 2 and first by 3. And, the last round is the hardest round of them all. Questions which required answers (not the true or false from earlier). And these are hard questions. Like, "After God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden what did God do with paradise?"

But, the audience was allowed to type in chat and I knew right away to whom I should listen. Three men out there. Mr. Scientist, Mr. Prospero and Mr. Roger's. I knew to hit the buzzer when they spoke (Hey Mr. Roger's would never lead you wrong.)

At 8pm SLT 1st Question closed with me having 13 points. YES...YES...YES...I saw LAUREN WEYLAND flash on the board. I had won. I was so happy I immediately bought a pair of shoes I don't need on Xstreet.

If you haven't been to 1st Question. It's every Tueday night at 7pm SLT. It's a great show with Pooky, Hyrdra and Yxes (and others) making a truly incredible game show.

Finally, tonight is opening night of I GAVE AT THE OFFICE. TP over to sim IVY FALLS. Showtime is 7pm SLT. I'm playing the part of Cecily, the receptionist. Come here me in the 'phone sex' scene. It's orgasmic.

Love Lauren

Friday, June 19, 2009

News: FirstLife funnier then SecondLife

OK, I just created a Google profile. Another new piece of social networking. I can't wait until I'm included in the firstlife global population demographics.

Here's the link

And the best part...check it out. A google map to ME. Oh yes, I exist therefore i want my social security check sent directly to me in Old Wives.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So You Want to Be an Avatar

This is written for those outside SecondLife looking in and asking us inside if we can help your metamorphosis to 'avatar' and some to 'avatar lux'. So,SL avatars if at the end of this chapter you have something to add to help a firstlifer become a noobie please leave a comment.

Chapter One:

It all begins with creating an account and downloading the client. The great issue here is what will your first name be? If you pick Lauren then your next move will unlikely not be to pick 'male' as gender. Also, you will not be the only Lauren in SL.

Some people will pick a name like my friend "Crap". His full name is Crap Mariner. Now if he ever makes an alt and wants his friends to recognize him as such the odds are there aren't many Crap's in SL.

If you pick the name "Asshole" be prepared both to be perceived as one and then find out there is a family of Asshole avatars. (Many with that first name. Some just are regardless of their name.)

A truly unique first name such as "TwittleBog" will allow you to change genders (yes you can change genders at will). If you are an avatar girl this allows you to skip the dreaded PMS and instead be a man during this period and spend those days as just an IDIOT. (joking).

Be careful chosing the length of your first name. Once you go over 5 letters or numbers you will find you now have a shortened name. So, if you go with "DoICooK" you will find everyone IM's you as DICK. Especially for using capitals in the middle of your name. And, if you go with a very very long name, such as "SimplyHumanInterestingTibetan'. You will be called.......If you hadn't capitalized the H..I...T you'd prob be called Si. However some may call you......

You've got your name and now you are ready. Pick a gender. Male, Female, Other. (oh yes, the Lindens believe in Other. Someday you'll get one of their surveys.)

Now log on:

(Chapter 2 will deal with "Why can't i log on?" And, for men, "Where is my penis?" and for woman "Where is his penis?"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Drama Comedy

In deference to possible misunderstand I have removed this blog and all comments. I also want everyone to know I had no problem with anyone associated with Perfect World Productions. I have the highest regard for all those who are associated with this show.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I promise I'll write a blog in the next day or so. I have much to say but I've also been so busy doing shows in SL. Anyhow, I have my interview with Paisley Beebe at 6pm SLT. And then I'm done until the SL6B show. So, I'll write one.....miss you all.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Ultimate Singing Bride - starring Lauren Weyland, by Chantal Harvey

You need a drink before you hear this

Another First for Lauren

Ok, none of you are going to believe this but I was asked to endorse a company selling Ugg Boats in FirstLife. I have several pair in SecondLife and love my Uggs.

I love the name of the company making these Uggs -- Whooga

Also, if you buy a pair you will get $30 USD gift certificate ($19GBP) just type in LAURENWEYL.

This is the first time I have been asked to put the LaurenWeyland brand on a product. If I showed you the email you'd see how kind and considerate this woman is. She is also just as sweet in SecondLife. So if you ever wanted the best pair of Uggs go take a look at Sarah's site.

You all know I love to support everyone in both lives to succeed. If you'd like me to announce something you are doing please let me know. I am going to try to write once a month a blog on what each of us is working on.

BTW...don't forget to link to

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thanks to Nicky Wise who created my new web page. I will suggest to all who read this blog to bookmark
for the future since it links to here and many other places I visit (calendar, facebook, twitter, plurk etc)

Love you all. Oh and if you missed the Bridal Show, I will redo parts of in both Saturday and Sunday's show

Monday, June 8, 2009


THIS IS A BIG STEP FOR I'm not going to change the color of my hair. And, it isn't the show tomorrow night where I'll wear a wedding dress.

Instead....under construction... and with Nicky Wise help, I am taking a step forward. As of today I now have a domain

It is currently under construction (I made the mess you will see if you go there.) I tried to get LaurenLive but the domain is for sale for over $1,000 dollars. I offered the company Lindens and the just said, "go away girl."

When the site is up there will be links to several things. There will be NO flash and one page.


Sunday, June 7, 2009


They put on some incredible shows at Moulin Rouge. Can you find me? Lisa? Orchid? Chantal (and other friends in the audience.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

San Francisco---coming soon

SecondLife Convention 2009 - August 13th - is just around the corner. (BTW there are two other unSL Conventions. One is in Amsterdam and nearly over and the other is in Las Vegas (set by Stroker--think sexgen beds etc) and will be next month.

But....the one I'm going to is in San Fran and I'm making a list. Also, I'm thinking of having a makeover for my avatar. Perhaps a new skin. Prim toes. I need to bleach everywhere? Which has got me thinking about FirstLife blonds (and SL too).

For some reason FirstLife natural blonds just don't seem to be as good looking as those who have been 'naturally' colored at a salon. Drifting off for a moment, as funny as a salon saying 'natural colors' is when I was in New York this past weekend and noticed all the Dry Cleaners now say "Organic." Oh, cannot get my Saturday through Sunday dress clean organically. I want my dress to be CSI spotless. An ultraviolet no-show. And you can't do that without a mixture created by Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde will know.

And so, besides my SL breast milk being certified organic by the Lindens what else is 'SL Organic?"

Back to San Fran (hey in the modern SL/FL world schizophrenia is an asset not a liability.) If any of you plan to attend I would like you to please help me make it from the bar at 3am to my room. I want the Tequila but would not like to see the sunrise. (Early morning is mascara madness.)

Of course LaurenLive will present at the Convention and I promise San Francisco is about to loosen up after I'm there. But, as the countdown begins to San Fran my friend Skylar has already started packing, unpacking and packing shoes. If you are still indecisive about coming I understand. You just don't want to see wild unpacked. to go, I see my attendants approaching.